ZEUS,is the sky and thunder god in ancient Greek mythology,who rules as king of the gods on Mount olympus.
His name is cognate with the first element of his roman equivalent Jupiter.
He was the child of Cronus and Rhea and married Hera by whom he is usually said to have fathered Ares,and Hephaestus.According to the Theogony Zeus first wife was Metis by whom he had Athena.Zeus was also infamous for his erotic escapades.These resulted in many divine & heroic offspring,including Apollo,Artemis,Hermes,Persefhone,Dionysus,Perseus,Hercules and the Muses!!!
The material is ALABASTER,which is the best quality of hard rock after MARBLE!!!! Its about 5 times lighter than marble,so it is much easier to transport it!!!!
A unique copy of national museum of Acropolis,which is Hand made & Hand paint in Mykonos!!!!!
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